Understand the Fundamentals of Web Application Architecture

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Web Application Architecture

Web application architecture will be studied in this article. When you open a webpage by entering the URL on the web browser, the page will be unraveled before you on the browser thanks to several background components like a server, database, middleware systems, user interfaces, and other components.

Well, this whole process is orchestrated by the Web Application Architecture. The user looks for the web page using an URL on the browser. Browser initiates a search after this.

Defining Web Application Architecture

After receiving the request, the network accesses data from the server and sends it back to the browser. The browser will display the page at this point.

Well, if you are looking for a simple definition, we can say that Web Application Architecture is a collection of external applications as well as other components. You can refer web application architecture diagram online.

Over the years, we have seen some drastic improvement in technology which resulted in fantastic improvement in backend and frontend processes.

However, of late, mobile has taken over everything else. With more people accessing the web via mobile devices, you need an architecture that assists in mobile-friendly web development.

Moreover, it is the age of complex applications. As a result, more and more developers are opting for full stack development architecture. Let’s have a look at the 3 main web application architectures below: We will also look into web application architecture best practices.

SPA – Single Page Applications

We will start with the SPA web application architecture. Well, we are living in the era of minimalism. More people prefer a single-page web app. If you look around, you will notice that most apps deliver only what is needed. They are all keeping it minimal.

As a result, interactive user experience has improved tremendously. Moreover, thanks to it, everyone can enjoy more dynamic interaction.

Microservices Architecture Framework

If you wish to deliver applications in an efficient and faster manner, then you need to rely on Microservices given the fact that it helps in the execution of specific and unique functionality.

As for the components available in the market today, these are available in various programming languages. This gives better flexibility to the developers.

Serverless Architectures Framework

The best thing about serverless architecture is that you don’t need to manage servers. You will be relying on 3rd party infrastructure for the same. You don’t need to be bothered about the tasks which are related to infrastructure.

Components of Web Application Architecture

As far as Web Application Architecture is concerned, there are various components in play. There are 2 types of components: structural components and user interface app components.

Components of user interface app

Here we are talking about the configurations, settings, and display. Here we are bothered about the experience and interface. We don’t worry about development here. Here we have to deal with logs, notifications, configuration settings, display dashboards, etc.

Structural components

Here we are referring to the functionality with which we interact. We also refer to the database storage and control unit here.

In simpler words, we are referring to the components related to the structure of the architecture. The server, browser and the database are the most critical components here.

We will start with the web browser. We all interact with the browser, and we develop it using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

As for the server, we can call it the central hub. Moreover, it supports multi-layer applications and business logic. We use programming languages like Ruby, .NET, PHP, Python, Java and Node.js for development.

Now coming to the database, it used to store and manage relevant data about the application. The database also offers business logic. We manipulate data here. Web server application, server database, server architecture is also significant.

Web server architecture

Here we are talking about the layout of a server. Here we will handle the deployment, development, and design of the web server. The primary duty is to respond to the requests of the users, coming from mobile apps and web browsers. These requests come from secure protocols.

Web servers are critical to the whole fabric. Therefore, particular emphasis has to be made on it. Physical capacity of the web browser is significant. Performance, computing power, memory, and storage are essential aspects. App tiers are also necessary.

Let’s take a look at the different types of server architecture below:

Web application architecture based on Java

Java is a conventional programming language thanks to the versatility it offers. It is popular when it comes to the enterprise development environment.

Whether it is complicated or not, you can always rely on Java Web Application Architecture. You will be able to develop an application that lives up to your expectation with the help of Java. The best thing about this architecture is that you will be able to rely on the native tools offered by Java entirely. You can create simple as well as the most complicated applications with the help of Java.

Web application architecture based on cloud

Cloud comes with many benefits. Everyone is migrating to cloud these days, and you should try too. Information will be stored on the cloud as well as local servers.

Web application architecture based on Node.js

Web application based on Node.js relies on the pattern of model-view. We have model-view presenter, model as well as the controller. You will be able to create patterns with the help of Node.js. As a result, you will be able to identify code elements. You will be able to configure and route those elements as well.

Web application architecture based on .NET

As far as web application architecture based on .NET, you will be able to store without having to deal with database code. This is helpful. It is also referred to as the Data Access Layer. You will be able to improve development and functionality with the help of .NET.

Web application architecture based on PHP

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages out there. It offers quick development, moderate security, and simple maintenance. It comes with a dedicated framework.

Web application architecture based on Angular

Web application architecture based on Angular is utilized by both TypeScript and HTML. It also functions as a framework.

Laravel web development

We are talking about another PHP web development framework here. The syntax is elegant, creative and expressive. It comes with the model view architectural pattern. You will appreciate the simplified development process.

Python web frameworks

The most significant advantage here is concise/shortcode. The code is maintainable and readable. That’s what makes Python popular. You will be able to speed up the web application with the help of Python. You don’t have to worry about web application maintenance either.