Multiselect Dropdown List with Checkboxes jQuery Plugin

Last Updated on by in Web Development
Multiselect dropdown checkbox is an excellent JavaScript plugin that transforms the original select box into a multi-select control with checkboxes.

Multiselect Dropdown Checkbox Features

  • Displaying count of already selected items
  • Substring search through the list
  • Select/Deselect all
  • Effective performance on huge data
  • Posting to the server without any extensions

Multiselect dropdown checkbox

Author: mneofit
Official Site: Visit website
Latest Update: October 16, 2018
License: MIT

Download Plugin

How to Use Multiselect Dropdown List with Checkboxes Plugin?

Call the stylesheet of multiselect.css in your project’s head section.

<link href="multiselect.css" rel="stylesheet">

Declare the multiselect.min.js JavaScript file at the bottom of your webpage.

<script src="multiselect.min.js"></script>

Declare select dropdown in your HTML file and don’t forget to mention multiple attribute in select dropdown.

<select id='multiSelect' multiple>
  <option value='1'>Option 1</option>
  <option value='2'>Option 2</option>
  <option value='3'>Option 3</option>
  <option value='4'>Option 4</option>
  <option value='5'>Option 5</option>

Initiate the plugin and you are ready to use it.
