How Progressive Web App Benefits Your Startup?

Last Updated on by in Web Development

The web is a platform that is known for its easy accessibility to users and developers alike. It allows you to easily distribute your content to a wider audience. From developer’s point of view, the web provides a simple A/B testing.

Compared to mobile apps, the web offers a lot of conveniences. With a single tap, you can easily access a website. Given this limitation of mobile apps, plenty of big shot businesses have turned to Progressive Web Apps. It offers best of both the worlds.

Here in this article, we are going to learn more about Progressive Web App and its benefits

Decoding Progressive Web Apps

As far as app installation is concerned, in some countries apps are pre-loaded when you buy a new phone. Otherwise, you can access an app store to install the apps of your choice. But then downloading and updating apps can be a costly affair thanks to data rates. And finding free WiFi might not be as easy as you think. You don’t have to deal with any of these inconveniences when it comes to Progressive Web Apps. In essence, it is an amalgamation of a website and an app.

concept of Progressive Web Apps

If you are still confused about the concept of Progressive Web Apps, then in simple words these are websites that act like mobile apps. You will come across an interface that will remind of you a mobile screen with notification tray and home screen. Progressive Web Apps have even introduced push notifications of late. As a result, the average time spent per visit has witnessed a huge spike.

Popular Brands That are Doing Progressive Web Apps

  • Trivago
  • Forbes
  • The Weather Channel
  • Alibaba
  • Ola
  • pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Flipkart

Big brands have realized the significance of Progressive Web Apps. We can cite the example of India’s largest e-commerce company Flipkart. They launched their Progressive Web App named Flipkart Lite. It’s a clear deviation from their app-only strategy they had been following until a few months ago.

As per Flipkart Lite, more than 63% of their users a 2G network to reach their website. Providing a faster user experience was crucial for the company. They had to do something about the load time. They introduced necessary changes so that consumers can quickly reach the products they have been looking for.

Advantages of Progressive Web Apps

Now we are going to look at the major advantages of Progressive Web Apps below.

1. Reach out to a larger audience

The best thing about a Progressive Web App is that you can reach out to a larger audience since it works across screens. Potential customers can access your app on their preferred devices to learn more about your services, online store, and portfolio. If you are planning to launch a startup app, then a Progressive Web App is going to offer better reach. Enabling offline feature will improve the reach.

2. You don’t need to install

When it comes to mobile apps, users have to download it first and then install it. And you need to install the apps across platforms. Sooner or later, it will create storage issues. Several studies have revealed that users tend to uninstall existing apps to make space for new ones. In the case of Progressive Web Apps, you don’t need to install the app.

3. Latest version

Speaking of mobile apps, users have to update it whenever there is a new update. You don’t have to deal with this problem when it comes to Progressive Web Apps. Here, in this case, you will only get to access the latest app.

4. Works offline and saves data

Thanks to offline access feature of Progressive Web Apps, you will be able to access the app even when you are offline. Besides, the app will load without any problem even when you have poor internet.

5. Increased flexibility and less friction

It offers increased flexibility. You don’t have to accept app permissions when you access the app. It is only a matter of reaching the app via the website link. At the same time, it offers the experience of the native app. You can also save the shortcut to the Progressive Web App on your home screen.

6. Budget-Friendly

PWA offers powerful features within your budget, it helps you save app development and maintenance cost.

7. Better security

Since most websites have opted for HTTPS protocol in a recent drive, web access provides better security for your information.

8. Multiple Platform  Support

Progressive Web Apps work pretty smoothly on every device and platform. You don’t have to create a separate version of the app for every platform. A single PWA is enough for every platform.


If you are on the verge of launching a startup app, then Progressive Web App is an idea that can boost your business beyond your expectations. As we have seen, it offers the best of both worlds when it comes to websites and apps. And it comes with a lot of benefits, which should convince you to go for a Progressive Web App.