50+ JavaScript Background Effects

Last Updated on by in JavaScript
JavaScript Background Effects

Are you looking to create animated background effects to elevate the aesthetics and functionality of websites with the help of JavaScript? There is no need to look elsewhere!

In this guide, we are showcasing a comprehensive collection of free JavaScript background effects, sourced from trustworthy websites like GitHub and CodePen. These sites creatively created these dynamic background effects to add a touch of elegance, creativity, and vibrancy to your website or web application, catering to a wide range of website themes and design needs.

JavaScript Background Effects offers immense potential to revolutionize the visual landscape of web design, offering seamless opportunities for creativity and engagement. Our collection of background effects ranges from simple background effects to animated backgrounds to advanced JavaScript particle backgrounds and full-screen gradient backgrounds.

Whether you’re a UI designer or a web developer, integrating these innovative background effects elevates user experiences and ensures the transformation of static web pages into immersive, dynamic environments that captivate users and offer a memorable user experience.

Each example is carefully curated and promises to infuse technology and creativity at the same time, offering an extensive toolkit for web developers to create innovative, interactive, and visually striking websites, fostering longer stays and encouraging return visits.

Let’s explore our JavaScript background effects collection and give websites a modern and polished appearance.

1. Fireflies

See the Pen
by Michal (@Mertl)
on CodePen.

Author: Michal @Mertl
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 16, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

2. SVG Cosmos Pattern

See the Pen
SVG Cosmos Pattern
by agathaco (@agathaco)
on CodePen.

Author: agathaco @agathaco
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: October 6, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

3. Calm Breeze Login Screen

See the Pen
Calm breeze login screen
by Lewi Hussey (@Lewitje)
on CodePen.

Author: Lewi Hussey @Lewitje
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: May 1, 2015
Made with: HTML, CSS(Less), JS

4. Color Changin

See the Pen
Color Changin’
by Alex Zaworski (@alexzaworski)
on CodePen.

Author: Alex Zaworski @alexzaworski
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: August 26, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS

5.  Hello Light

See the Pen
hello light
by ycw (@ycw)
on CodePen.

Author: ycw @ycw
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 25, 2020
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS(Less), JS

6. Colorful Squares

See the Pen
Colorful Squares | codepenchallenge
by Johan Karlsson (@DonKarlssonSan)
on CodePen.

Author: Johan Karlsson @DonKarlssonSan
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 25, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

7. BVAmbient – VanillaJS Background Particles

See the Pen
BVAmbient – VanillaJS Background Particles
by Bruno Vieira (@BMSVieira)
on CodePen.

Author: Bruno Vieira @BMSVieira
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 2, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

8. Background Rotating Squares

See the Pen
Background Rotating Squares
by AzazelN28 (@AzazelN28)
on CodePen.

Author: AzazelN28 @AzazelN28
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: November 14, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS(Stylus), JS(Babel)

9. Obligatory Falling Snow … but with Sparticles.js

See the Pen
Obligatory Falling Snow … but with Sparticles.js
by Simon Goellner (@simeydotme)
on CodePen.

Author: Simon Goellner @simeydotme
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 8, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS

10. Random Chevron Pattern

See the Pen
Random Chevron Pattern
by Johan Karlsson (@DonKarlssonSan)
on CodePen.

Author: Johan Karlsson @DonKarlssonSan
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 19, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

11. Tetris Background

See the Pen
Tetris background
by Loktar (@loktar00)
on CodePen.

Author: Loktar @loktar00
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: September 22, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

12. Sparse Triangle Background

See the Pen
Sparse Triangle Background
by MGA (@galeano)
on CodePen.

Author: Mac Galeano @galeano
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 26, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

13. Spipa Circle

See the Pen
Spipa circle
by Alex Andrix (@alexandrix)
on CodePen.

Author: Alex Andrix @alexandrix
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 3, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

14. A week in motion

See the Pen
A week in motion #8.1
by Tadas Karpavičius (@trajektorijus)
on CodePen.

Author: Tadas Karpavičius @trajektorijus
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: May 2, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS

15. Change background colour with GSAP ScrollTrigger

See the Pen
Change background colour with GSAP ScrollTrigger
by Cameron Knight (@cameronknight)
on CodePen.

Author: Cameron Knight @cameronknight
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: November 8, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS

16. JavaScript Canvas

See the Pen
#98 in 2020 / JavaScript Canvas
by Toshiya Marukubo (@toshiya-marukubo)
on CodePen.

Author: Toshiya Marukubo @toshiya-marukubo
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: July 11, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

17. Grayscale Ambient Background

See the Pen
Grayscale Ambient Background
by jen (@jencrosby)
on CodePen.

Author: Jen @jencrosby
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: July 30, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

18. Fill Backgrounds With Animation

See the Pen
Fill Backgrounds with Animation
by Chris Smith (@chris22smith)
on CodePen.

Author: Chris Smith @chris22smith
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: October 17, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS

19. Personal Website

See the Pen
Personal Website
by Jonas Badalic (@JonasBadalic)
on CodePen.

Author: Jonas Badalic @JonasBadalic
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: November 2, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

20. Random Responsive Balls In The Background

See the Pen
Random Responsive balls in the background
by Nash Vail (@nashvail)
on CodePen.

Author: Nash Vail @nashvail
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 19, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

21. Move background perspective on mouse move effect

See the Pen
Move background perspective on mouse move effect
by Kriszta (@vajkri)
on CodePen.

Author: Kriszta @vajkri
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 18, 2016
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

22. Truchet Lattice

See the Pen
Truchet Lattice
by Ben Matthews (@tsuhre)
on CodePen.

Author: Ben Matthews @tsuhre
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February  8, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

23. Triple “A” Wallpapers

See the Pen
Triple “A” Wallpapers (BW&A Challenge, click for new pattern)
by Scott Weaver (@sweaver2112)
on CodePen.

Author: Scott Weaver @sweaver2112
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: September 22, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

24. Space Elevator

See the Pen
Space Elevator
by Eslam Yahya (@Eslam-Yahya)
on CodePen.

Author: Eslam Yahya @Eslam-Yahya
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: July 31, 2017
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

25. 1337 Matrix

See the Pen
1337 Matrix
by Pavitra Golchha (@pavi2410)
on CodePen.

Author: Pavitra Golchha @pavi2410
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: May 2, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

26. Background Texture Across Several Divs

See the Pen
Background texture across several divs
by Michael Burridge (@mburridge)
on CodePen.

Author: Michael Burridge @mburridge
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 19, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

27. Background shape change

See the Pen
Background shape change #codePenChallenge
by Strahinja Babić (@SBDesign)
on CodePen.

Author: Strahinja Babić @SBDesign
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 19, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

28. Sea Waves

See the Pen
Sea Waves
by Stefan Weck (@stefanweck)
on CodePen.

Author: Stefan Weck @stefanweck
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: January 6, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

29. Orange Squares

See the Pen
Orange Squares
by Johan Karlsson (@DonKarlssonSan)
on CodePen.

Author: Johan Karlsson @DonKarlssonSan
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 21, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

30. Grid Worms

See the Pen
Grid Worms
by Red (@redutron)
on CodePen.

Author: Red @redutron
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: April 20, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

31. Random, Cos and Sin

See the Pen
Random, Cos and Sin
by Kevin Levron (@soju22)
on CodePen.

Author: Kevin Levron @soju22
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 26, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

32. JavaScript Canvas

See the Pen
#44 in 2020 / JavaScript Canvas
by Toshiya Marukubo (@toshiya-marukubo)
on CodePen.

Author: Toshiya Marukubo @toshiya-marukubo
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: May 18, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

33. Fancy Background Shapes

See the Pen
Fancy Background shapes
by Godje (@Godje)
on CodePen.

Author: Godje @Godje
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 10, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS

34.  Crystal Parallax

See the Pen
???? Crystal Parallax ????
by Tibix (@Tibixx)
on CodePen.

Author: Tibix @Tibixx
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 17, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

35.  Flow Field

See the Pen
Flow field n.2
by Fabio Ottaviani (@supah)
on CodePen.

Author: Fabio Ottaviani @supah
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: January 4, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

36. Antigravity FLOW

See the Pen
Antigravity FLOW
by Marco Dell’Anna (@plasm)
on CodePen.

Author: Marco Dell’Anna @plasm
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 16, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSSCSS(Sass), JS(Babel)

37. Rymd

See the Pen
by Hakim El Hattab (@hakimel)
on CodePen.

Author: Hakim El Hattab @hakimel
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 5, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

38. Ashfall

See the Pen
by Liam Egan (@shubniggurath)
on CodePen.

Author: Liam Egan @shubniggurath
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: September 7, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

39. Animated CSS Mask-image Gradient

See the Pen
Animated CSS mask-image gradient
by Chris Neale (@onion2k)
on CodePen.

Author: Chris Neale @onion2k
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: December 9, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

40. Hello Matrix

See the Pen
Hello Matrix
by Manan Tank (@MananTank)
on CodePen.

Author: Manan Tank @MananTank
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 26, 2020
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS(Stylus), JS

41. Colorful Circles

See the Pen
Colorful Circles | codepenchallenge
by Johan Karlsson (@DonKarlssonSan)
on CodePen.

Author: Johan Karlsson @DonKarlssonSan
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 26, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS(Babel)

42. Unicode Patterns

See the Pen
Unicode Patterns
by F.ala O.viara (@ljnest)
on CodePen.

Author:  F.ala O.viara @ljnest
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: July 26, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

43. Wobble

See the Pen
by Paul Neave (@neave)
on CodePen.

Author: Paul Neave @neave
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on:  February 19, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

44. Æther

See the Pen
by Sean Free (@seanfree)
on CodePen.

Author: Sean Free @seanfree
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: November 19, 2018
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS(SCSS), JS(Babel)

45. Metaballs

See the Pen
Metaballs – WebGL
by Alfons Nilsson (@TC5550)
on CodePen.

Author:  Alfons Nilsson @TC5550
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: November  22, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

46. JavaScript Canvas

See the Pen
#157 in 2020 / JavaScript Canvas
by Toshiya Marukubo (@toshiya-marukubo)
on CodePen.

Author: Toshiya Marukubo @toshiya-marukubo
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: August 14, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

47. JavaScript Background

See the Pen
by Anand Davaasuren (@at80)
on CodePen.

Author: Anand Davaasuren @at80
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: March 20, 2013
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

48. Landscape animation experiment

See the Pen
Landscape animation experiment
by Louis Coyle (@dropside)
on CodePen.

Author: Louis Coyle @dropside
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: February 22, 2015
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

49. CSS Rain Effect

See the Pen
CSS Rain Effect
by Aaron Rickle (@arickle)
on CodePen.

Author: Aaron Rickle @arickle
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: January 6, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS

50. Jquery & CSS3 background

See the Pen
Jquery & CSS3 background
by enrico toniato (@enricotoniato)
on CodePen.

Author: enrico toniato @enricotoniato
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: August 29, 2013
Made with: HTML,CSS(SCSS), JS

51. Crystal Caves

See the Pen
Crystal Caves
by Huw Llewellyn (@nosurprisethere)
on CodePen.

Author: Huw Llewellyn @nosurprisethere
Links: Source Code / Demo
Created on: August 24, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS, JS