How to Build Star Rating in Angular 16 Application

Last Updated on by in Angular

This comprehensive tutorial answers you about creating a star rating system in Angular 16 using the NgBootstrap library.

NgBootstrap is a package for bootstrap; it doesn’t require 3rd party JavaScript.

Most importantly, the Angular widgets are assimilated from the ground only using Bootstrap 4 CSS and some APIs, especially for the Angular ecosystem.

In this tutorial, we will build a 5-star rating system, i am sure you must have required to create the star rating system before.

Typically star rating system is used in e-commerce sites where a user rates from 1 star to 5 stars to the services or products.

Without further ado, let’s build a star rating component using the latest Angular 16 and NgBootstrap library.

Create Angular Application

Install Angular CLI with the following command, skip this step if angular CLI already installed

npm install -g @angular/cli

Create an Angular application to display the Angular star rating demo.

ng new angular-star-rating-example

Navigate to the project root:

cd angular-star-rating-example

Install NGBootstrap in Angular

You just need to run the given below command to install the ng-bootstrap package.

ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

We have installed the ng-bootstrap library for the default application designated in angular.json file.

Create Star Rating in Angular

The ng-bootstrap library amplifies the bootstrap support and comes with robust components. Out of one, we are going to use NgbRating to build a star rating system in Angular.

NgbRating directive helps visualising and interacting with a star rating bar.

Head over to app.component.html file and define the NgbRating directive.

<h2>Angular Star Rating Example</h2>

<ngb-rating [max]="5" [(rate)]="starRating" [readonly]="false"></ngb-rating>

The max property sets the maximum number of ratings, and [(rate)] input configures the current rating. Even the decimal value, such as 2.50, could be set up.

Add code in app.component.ts file

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

export class AppComponent {

  starRating = 0; 


Let’s style the rating component:

ngb-rating {
    color: #FFC107;
    font-size: 80px;

Run the application.

ng serve --open

Build Star Rating in Angular


A star rating system is a user interface element mainly used to grant users to express their insights about a product, service, or any other item on a scale of stars.

Theoretically used in various applications, websites, and online eCommerce platforms to collect feedback, provide user ratings, and allow comparisons between products.

Ideally, a star rating system consists of a set of star icons, usually displayed in a row. Each star represents a rating level, and users can interact with the stars to select their desired rating.

In this detailed tutorial we learned the fast and easy way to create a star rating system in Angular application using the NG Bootstrap library.

Angular Star Rating example tutorial is over.

I hope you liked it; please share this tutorial with others.